Home Valuation and Equity Report


Home Value Estimates

An automated value estimate can give you a rough estimate of the value of your home.


Active Buyer Breakdown

Using a proprietary algorithm, you can see how many people are looking for homes like yours.


Recent Nearby Sales

This can give you the edge in understanding what to expect when selling your home.

What's in the Report?

Expert Valuation Reports at Your Fingertips

Your Home's Value

Discover your home value along with the demand for homes in your area. This is based on Market data, but you can fine tune if you have added any features or upgrades. Fine tuning your report changes all other equity reports.

Learn How You Can Save Thousands on Your Mortgage Payments

This is a simple but powerful calculator that will show you how to save a lot by making additional payments

Your Mortgage History

How much money has been put towards the payoff of your mortgage.

How Much Equity Have You Built Up and Options to Use It

Equity is your treasure chest of opportunities. Learn how you can use your built up equity to live a better life

Want to Move up?

How much home can you afford based on your home's equity

Options For Keeping Your Home As An Investment.

See how much you can make on Airbnb or rent out long term.